Coppa Roast - whole - large

Coppa Roast - whole - large

AMBA Certified Pure Pork
$10.00 /lb.
Avg. 3.47 lb.

Jensen Reserve is one of the few farms in the country that can offer you A.M.B.A. Certified Pure Meishan pork. The Coppa Roast won't disappoint! Smoke it or brown and slow roast for a delicious and tender meal. 

The “coppa” is a collection of muscles that is an extension of the loin that runs through the pork shoulder. When butchered, it has a barrel shape and is best suited for charcuterie or slow roasting. Being in the shoulder, it has a lot of fat, and it is a muscle that gets used a lot, resulting in more flavor. 

Take this Coppa Roast and make your own Capicola too!

Sold by weight after order. We will enter the weight of your chops and send you a total once packed. Weights range from 4.0-5.2 pound roasts.